How often is our Christianity like a brick wall? Each part is set in place and we think we have it all figured out. But lets but honest, we don't! In a brick wall everything is firm and in place, if a part of it moves or changes shape the whole thing falls apart. Is that really how Christianity is? Don't we learn new things all the time about God? If we could completely figure God out, would He even be God?
Right now I'm reading Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and he poses that question. He compares Christianity to more of a trampoline with supporting doctrines (or springs). We don't have to, in fact we will never have it all figured out so why are we so headstrong and exclusive of others? Not to say that we embrace every teaching, but that we are open to discussion. Here is a quote from the book that I really like: "Have you ever seen someone pull a photo out of their wallet and argue about the supremacy of this particular loved one? Of course not. They show you the picture and give you the opportunity to see what they see."
That is what we are supposed to do as Christians, invite others to see Christ! The invitation to jump is for everyone. And you can jump with all your fears and doubts, and all the things you haven't figured out. "The invitation to jump is an invitation to follow Jesus with all of our doubts and questions right there with us."
Enjoy the Journey