Friday, August 17, 2007

Extreme Makeover

Here at FCC Clearwater, we are getting ready to undergo a major project. Repainting, resigning, and generally repairing the building. We have decided to call it, Extreme Makeover Church Edition. It really is a pretty fitting name since the church will look entirely different once it is completed. Each room in the building will go up for adoption. Once adopted the room will be made over. We are so excited about this project, and hope we can get the whole churhc involved in Extreme Makeover Church Edition.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Being rooted in scripture is something that is vital to life as a Christian. As we journey towards our goal (heaven) we must stand rooted or we will be knocked over by the storms of life that come our way. I am so glad that I have a God whose roots go back before time began. Christianity is not a new thing, know your roots!