Friday, May 31, 2013

What is Jesus Looking for?

Jesus came to make it possible for us to go to heaven, but that doesn't mean that everyone is going! This is a sobering reality. Knowledge without obedience gets you nowhere. Our writer compares it to the Israelites in the desert. They knew all about what God had done for them, they were there and saw it first hand! They knew God's law, they saw God move daily. But knowing about God doesn't get you anywhere. Believing in His existence isn't good enough. Obedience to His Word and His ways are the only things that matter.

In the very first verse we read this: "That's why, as long as the promise of entering God's rest remains open to us, we should be careful that none of us seem to fall short ourselves."

Jesus did come and make a way for us to go to heaven, but the reality is that not many people are going. In fact Jesus said there are many who think thy are going that aren't going! Belief without obedience isn't enough. Truthfully I dot consider belief without obedience belief. For example, I believe that I will die if I don't eat food, so I do. Real belief shapes your actions.

I know this life is hard and it is hard to live out the Words of Jesus. But that is another reason why He came here. He is able to sympathize with us because He did become human and He experienced everything we do! That is how I know his love is real. He didn't send someone else to fix the problem. He came Himself. You see, in matters of love, you go yourself.

That kind of love demands the same kind of love in return. Not a love that just thinks about doing things or that knows how to do things. That kind I love demands a radically changed way of living that proves its love by the things it does and says.

Enjoy the Journey

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Jesus vs Moses

Moses was a pretty great man. He lead the people out of Egypt and all the way to the border of the promised land. God did mighty things in him and through him. He is a hero of the faith and there aren't too many people that stack up to him. But he doesn't even come close to Jesus. Moses accomplished some pretty good things. He got Israel to their home here on earth. But he didn't get to go in himself because of his own disobedience. Jesus on the other hand made it possible for us to get to heaven by obeying His Father completely. 

I know this might seem like a point our author has already made, but he is just covering all of his bases here. There is no one that compares to Jesus. Not the angels in heaven or the greatest men here on earth. Not even Moses. Understanding the greatness of Jesus is central to the Christian faith. If Jesus is on par with someone else then we have to listen to multiple voices right? But since there is nothing or no one that compares to him, it simplifies our lives. We have one voice that we need to follow above all others. There is only One in the place of ultimate authority. There is only one Lord.

When my life reflects this reality, it goes much better. It takes so much of the drama and confusion out of my life because I have a clear sense of direction and purpose. The question I have to ask myself is 'How can I live out this reality today?'

Enjoy the Journey

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Why Did Jesus Come Here?

Since I believe that God, heaven, and hell are all real, I have to take what God says very seriously. If God is real, then what He says about eternal punishment must also be real. This is what makes the coming of Jesus so miraculous! If hell isn't a reality, then why on earth would Jesus come down here to start with? But since He did, I've got to pay attention. 

God sent His own Son in the flesh to pay the price I owed. Jesus stepped down and became lower than the angels in order to accomplish something no one else could ever hope to accomplish...conquering sin and death. He did this to bring glory to God and salvation to us. The church is often referred to as the Bride of Christ, but if He had not died, then there would be no Bride, because we would all go to hell! 

The writer makes the argument that Jesus had to come to earth in verses 14-15:
"Since we, the children, are all creatures of flesh and blood, Jesus took on flesh and blood, so that by dying He could destroy the one who held power over death-the devil-and destroy the fear of death that has always held people captive."

Before Jesus came, we had every reason to fear death. Especially those who weren't Jewish! I don't pretend to have all the answers to what happened to all those people, but I know that I am glad that I live on this side of the cross! Salvation is now free to all. Of course free can be a bit misleading. You can't do anything to earn it, it is a gift. In that sense it is free to all. However, a gift like that does command loyalty for the rest of your life don't you think? There are warnings throughout the Bible about falling away from the faith and the tragic consequences. The Christian life is a hard one, but it is worth it. Considering the alternative, I'd say it is a pretty easy choice. 

Choice. That is what it all comes down to isn't it? It started with God's choice to make us. Then our choice to disobey. Then His choice to send Jesus. Then Jesus' choice to die for all of us. Now our choice to follow Him. 

Jesus made His choice, and I am grateful! Now I have a choice to make, and it has eternal consequences either way.

Enjoy the Journey

Friday, May 24, 2013

Jesus vs Angels

The writer of Hebrews spends the entire first chapter talking about how amazing Jesus really is. God has always spoken to His people, just in different ways. He used to use the Hebrew prophets, then evrything changed when He sent His Son into the world. Jesus is the One through whom all things were made, and they are sustained at His word! He took His place at God's right hand after He gave Himself on the cross so that we could be forgiven.

Then our writer spends a few minutes comparing Jesus to the angels. Our view of angels today is probably influenced more by painters than the Word of God. The word angel actually means 'messenger.' In the Bible, their job description is pretty brief: they execute God's judgement, guard people, and relay important messages to specific people when the time comes. I'm not really sure where we got the idea thy they are chubby little babies, because most of the time when people see them, they freak out and sometimes they even pass out in fear!

All of that being said, they don't even come close to comparing with Jesus! Angels are servants of God, Jesus is his Son! Angels worship Jesus just like you and I worship Jesus! If Jesus is worthy to be worshipped by these beings that we pass out at the mere sight of, how much more is He worthy of our worship!?

Angels are cool, but lets not give them a place they don't deserve. I think that is what our author is trying to convey here. Their job is to worship Jesus and to minister to us (those who will receive salvation).

Enjoy the Journey

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why Should I Follow Jesus?

Paul wraps up his letter to Titus by giving him the reason people are supposed to be doing all of the things he has been telling them to do. He has instructed them on how they are supposed to treat other people, how they are supposed to follow authorities, and all kinds of other things too. But why should I do those things? Paul says that I am supposed to remember that I used to be worthless and hopelessly lost in my sin. There was nothing I could do about it either. Then God sent a game changer in Jesus to bring hope into the world. 

It wasn't something that He had to do. It was something that He chose to do. This is a humbling realization. At the end of the day, God doesn't need me. I am not doing God a favor by doing what He says to do. I am not doing Him a favor by becoming a Christian. This is why it is so silly to say that you invited Jesus into your heart (it sounds cute, but it isn't Biblical at all). If I don't have Jesus, I go to hell. If Je doesn't have me...He is still God! So you see, it is I who need Him, not the other way around. 

That his what is so amazing about the fact that He came. That is what motivates us to do the things that He says. What do you do when you find out someone saved you from eternal punishment? Whatever they want.

Enjoy the Journey

Friday, May 17, 2013

Leading a Church and Leading Myself

Paul's letter to Titus is a very serious one. Titus has a big job ahead of him, he is supposed to help a failing church get back on track! False teaching have taken hold there, and it is general chaos in the church. He tells Titus to hold to the truth that he has been taught. Check out what he says in verses 2-3:

"We rest in this hope we've been given-the hope that we will live forever without God-the hope that He proclaimed ages and ages ago (even before time began). And our God is no liar; He is not even capable of uttering lies. So we can be sure that it is in His exact right time that He release His word into the world-it is now exploding with absolute clarity and life-saving-knowledge through the preaching that God or Savior has commanded into my care."

There is only one message that is life-saving. Where it is taught today, it is still exploding with absolute clarity. That is why it is so important that I choose my teachers wisely. I have to examine the scripts myself to see if what I'm being told matches the scriptures. Otherwise I am wasting my time at best, and at worst I start repeating things that aren't true to others! 

It is a big responsibility to lead a church. It takes a certain kind of person, and Paul outlines that in the first chapter of Titus. He encourages Titus to be picky, eternity is at stake here! I think too often we take these things lightly and let people lead just because they've been with us for a long time. But this is too important to leave to chance, it is way too important to take it lightly. 

Paul ends the chapter talking about people who are pure vs people who aren't pure (or unbelievers). I think it is improtant to note that he points out that there are people who think they are believers who aren't really believers. How do you tell? In the very last verse of the chapter he writes this:

"They claim, "I know God," but their actions are a slap to His face. They are wretched, disobedient, and useless to any worthwhile cause."

I think it is time for some introspection. How do my actions line up with what I say I believe. Actions reveal belief, every single time. I can say I believe something all day long, but if my actions contradict what I say...I'm lying to myself.

Enjoy the Journey

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

I Know This Is True

Paul tells Timothy that if he wants to be a soldier of the Liberating King than he has to be ready to suffer. Soldiers fight, there is pain and suffering. He also compares life in Christ to being an athlete. There is training involved! There are blood, sweat, and tears. Is it worth it? Ask any athlete who wins or a conquering soldier and they will tell you it is worth it. It is worth it because they are working toward something, and they are willing to make sacrifices to make it happen. Life in Christ is the same. We are striving to follow Jesus, and there is a major price to pay. Jesus promises us that we will have trouble in this world, but He also says that we can take heart, because He has overcome the world! 

That sounds fantastic when you look at it on paper. It is a different story though when you are going through it isn't it? Just like everybody else I ask the question, 'Why is this happening to me' when trouble comes. I don't know that there is an easy answer. I know that we live in a world that is broken because of sin, and I know that rain falls on both the righteous and the wicked, but sometimes those answers just seem to ring hollow don't they? I do know this: when the night is darkest, you find out what you really believe. 

Check out what Paul says to Timothy: "Here’s a statement you can trust: If we died with Him, we will live with Him. If we remain with Him, we will reign alongside Him. If we deny Him, we will be denied by Him. If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, For He is not able to deny Himself." 

I have died with Christ, I have paid and continue to pay the price for it. Life is hard, and coming to Christ doesn't change that. It does however bring hope. It does bring peace beyond understanding. It does bring joy, even in pain. It does give us access to a God whose love never fades or fails. 

That is what I know. And that is why I keep going.

Enjoy the Journey

Thursday, May 02, 2013

The Call of Leadership

As Paul wraps up his first letter to Timothy, he is urging him to stay faithful. He reminds him that there will be those in the church who are just interested in debating about words. This is useless and only leads to arguments. He tells Timothy to encourage these people to get down to business. It isn't enough to just know what the Word says, you've got to do it! Besides, hanging out with argumentative people just ends up making you mad!

He also warns Timothy about people who are obsessed with money. Money itself isn't the problem. It is the love of money that is the root of all kinds of evil. Money isn't good or bad, people are! So Paul tells Timothy to urge people to do good things with their money and store up treasure for themselves in heaven. You don't have to be poor to be godly, but you don't have to be rich either. It has nothing to do with how much money you have, it has everything to do with your relationship with Jesus.

This is a lot to ask of a young leader. There are major issues in the church. There are still major issues in the church today, and ironically they are the same issues! Leaders are called to hold people accountable in the same way that Timothy was called to hold people accountable. So remember, it is easy to criticize, but hard to lead. I need to pray for my leaders to be bold and do what God has called them to do.

Enjoy the Journey