Don't allow yourself to be standardized. When you do, your soul slowly starts to die. God didn't create us all to be the same! He gave us desires and passions that are uniquely our own. Some religions would tell you that the way to ultimate peace is to rid yourself of all desires. Ever tried that? Good luck. Its torture! You were created to grow, dream, achieve, and create! Your life came from God and He intended it to be God-sized and God-inspired. Jesus was a man of emotion and passion. He definitely wasn't a man who had gotten rid of all desires. Quite the opposite in fact! He was so passionate for God's house that He drove people out with a whip! He was so passionate for you that He gave His life for you! And He made us just like Himself! Why would we think that people created in the image of God should be unpassionate, desireless people? God has called you to be passionate and to create. The destination of our spiritual journey is not nothing, on the contrary, it is an adventure beyond measure.
Enjoy the Journey