Monday, December 04, 2006


That was the theme of FCYC 2006. It was a theme that had many people concerned, but frankly its because many people didn't take the time to find out anything about it. What possesses you? The answer is alot of things possess us, but only one thing should. God. The three days were Possessed by the World, Possessed by God, and i am not. There were around 800 kids there, and it was a great weekend. I was given the opportunity to lead worship at FCYC with Andrew, Ben, Dana, Ron, and Adrian. This is a picture from the convention.

Enjoy the Journey

Monday, November 06, 2006

Punched in the face

Ever been punched in the face by God before? I have, in fact I think I may have a black eye right now. I have been so worried about things lately. I mean I've got to find a place for Abi and I to live within the next 6 weeks! That is priority #1. But I also have my senior recital, work and classes to worry about as well. Man it is a crazy time. The job hunt continues to get crazier with each passing moment. Today I got a call from a friend at Mid-Lakes Christian Church telling me that one of the guys in the praise team died on Friday, and that they want me to come up and help with the funeral on Thursday. So this week I have rehearsal for Senior Recital tonight and tomorrow, FCYC rehearsal tomorrow, Southside reheasal Wednesday, a funeral Thursday, my Senior Recital is Friday, and I have to go back to Jacksonville this weekend.

Frankly, I'm really tired right now. Anyway, back to the punch in the face. I've been weighing all these things in my mind for a little while now, and then Sunday came. In Sunday School we talked about Saul and how he sacrificed before it was time. "To obey is better than sacrifice." You have to wait for God (a little jab there). Then in the sermon I was reminded that I need to listen, because to listen is to obey! (PUNCH!) I need to stop my worrying and start listening. God has opened doors, and if I will stop complaining about things long enough to listen, He will show me where to go.

So pray for me, that I will shut up and listen (and that I don't have a nervous breakdown in the meantime).


Enjoy the Journey

Monday, October 16, 2006

Everyone has a path. Mine seems to get crazier by the day. Abi and I have started our journey already, and we aren't even married yet! We are trying to graduate, get married, and find a place to live, o yeah...we have 2 months to figure it out. It is funny how one decision you make can so radically change the rest of your life. For example, when I made the decision to leave Mid-Lakes Christian Church to come intern at Southside Christian Church under Eli Reyes, I had no idea how much life would change. That decision resulted in a lot of learning, playing at the North American Christian Convention, making several contacts, and job opportunities! Life looks a lot different now than it did this time last year.

Someone once told me to wait for a push and then a pull before I made a decision on which path to choose. I've received a push, now I'm waiting for the pull. It is not the push or the pull that is, but the waiting that is difficult for me. But for now I wait, I am finishing up at FCC, planning FCYC, helping out with wedding details, and looking for a job. Waiting for God to show me the right path, and doing my best to Enjoy the Journey.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Enjoy the journey.

Melissa (the office administrator at Southside) and I have deemed that the new motto of Southside Christian Church. We went to Disney World on September 11, 2006 as a staff. The group included Arron Chambers, Eli Reyes, Susie Richetti, Melissa Clark, Josh Van Tassel, and myself. Arron kept giving Melissa a hard time because she was in a hurry to get from place to place so we could fit in all the parks in one day. He kept saying, "Enjoy the journey!"

In between all of the riding and yelling 'Carlos!' I started thinking about what that meant. By the way there was no Carlos with us, but we did get a few waves from 'Carlos.' Arron is about to set off on a new journey, one that will take him to Christ's Church Manderin in Jacksonville. The rest of us are starting a new journey here as well. Southside has been given the chance for a fresh start, hopefully with some new property! Ironically we found out about the property the day Arron was up signing his contract with Christ's Church. We have jokingly started calling him Moses, because he lead us to the promise land, but he will never enter it with us. Now all we have to do is keep praying that God will send us a Joshua to take us in the rest of the way and help us grow like crazy.

The journey has been a long and crazy one, and no one's journey is exactly the same. But I think the motto 'Enjoy the journey' has alot of meaning. I say that because alot of times it is not where you started or where you end, but the jouney from start to finish that makes you who you are. 'Remember who you are.'

Enjoy the Journey
I was in class the other day and Mrs. Reyes said something that really made me think....

"Wasting time is wasting life, because we aren't guaranteed the next breath."

I thought to myself, man you could go on about that forever. It comes down to this: 'If it is it! If it isn't important...don't do it!' How many time do we sit around doing things that don't mean anything! If I spent more time talking to people and building relationships instead of watching some meaningless show on television, life would have much more meaning. So stop wasting time! Because you might be wasting your life.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Today I had lunch with Doc Smith. That is a cool thought. I wonder how many other college students go to lunch with the most esteemed professor at their respective school? Anyway, he was asking us (Tyler, Mike, Ralph, Andrew, Josh and I) about our summers and we talked about school, just small talk. Then he started telling our table (Tyler, Mike, and I) about a new course he is teaching at the church where he works. It is called 'Everything You Should Have Learned in Sunday School.' It is a course on Bible History.

I think that is a great idea. Not only is he one of the foremost experts in Bible History (so they are really in for it), but that is a subject often overlooked in churches I have attended. I don't know about most churches I suppose, but I feel like we sort of glance over the history portions of the Bible, and that is wrong! There are so many lessons to be learned from the Old Testament, in fact that has been one of my favorite things about FCC. Doc Smith classes are very demanding, but I have gleaned so much knowledge of the OT from them! Being familiar with the stories from the OT has really helped in my undrestanding of the New Testament! I am hoping to get ahold of this curriculum so that I can use it in the future so that we can learn in Sunday School what we should learn...The Bible!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sometimes uncertainty can be good. I had lunch with Arron Chambers today. He recently resigned from Southside (where I work) and we were talking about our futures. He encouraged me to just let go and let God take the lead. It is something that I have heard my whole life, but I think I understand what it means more now than I ever have. To have models like Arron and Eli to follow has been such a blessing to me pesonally and to my ministry. I have learned alot from both of them, and one of the lessons I learned today was that I need to trust God even when I don't know what lies ahead.

Over the next several months alot will be changing with me. I graduate from FCC in December, and if that isn't enough change, I am getting married December 22! But as Arron said, not knowing what God has in store is part of the adventure. Peter Pan once said, 'to live will be an awfully big adventure.' I will take that one step further. "To live for God will be an awfully big adventure."

God Bless

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

So last night I realized something that I never realized before. It REALLY annoys me when people go through the '10 items or less' with 25 notebooks plus a shopping cart full of thing. I don't know if they can't count or they can't read. Either way, you shouldn't go shopping unless you can do both. Do us all a favor, if you have more than 10 things, go get in a different line!


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

So I created a blogspot today. Never done that before. Just thought I'd try it out and see if I like here we go.