Today I had lunch with Doc Smith. That is a cool thought. I wonder how many other college students go to lunch with the most esteemed professor at their respective school? Anyway, he was asking us (Tyler, Mike, Ralph, Andrew, Josh and I) about our summers and we talked about school, just small talk. Then he started telling our table (Tyler, Mike, and I) about a new course he is teaching at the church where he works. It is called 'Everything You Should Have Learned in Sunday School.' It is a course on Bible History.
I think that is a great idea. Not only is he one of the foremost experts in Bible History (so they are really in for it), but that is a subject often overlooked in churches I have attended. I don't know about most churches I suppose, but I feel like we sort of glance over the history portions of the Bible, and that is wrong! There are so many lessons to be learned from the Old Testament, in fact that has been one of my favorite things about FCC. Doc Smith classes are very demanding, but I have gleaned so much knowledge of the OT from them! Being familiar with the stories from the OT has really helped in my undrestanding of the New Testament! I am hoping to get ahold of this curriculum so that I can use it in the future so that we can learn in Sunday School what we should learn...The Bible!
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