Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Artsy Types (Introduction)

Musicians and others with 'artsy' personalities often get a bad reputation for being overly sensitive and moody. Admittedly, this is often times true. However we cannot overlook the importance of the arts. When commended on his excellent 'entertainment' by Lord Kinnoul (who was talking about The Missiah Handel said this, "My Lord, I should be sorry if I only entertain them. I wish to make them better." The arts do entertain, but that is not their sole purpose. This goes for the church as well. Often times people sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, and sometimes as artists we like it that way. This should not be so, we too, like Handel should be letting God work through us so that we may 'make them better.'

If you are an artist, and you don't like what you are doing, stop doing it! Especially if you are serving in a church. Do not use the church as a stepping stone to a 'better' field. Work in the area of your passion, you...and everyone else will be much happier.

Arts in the church are vital. Why? Because the arts speak to the heart. A well read poem or a song well sung will stay with a person for a long time. It used to be that the premier artists did their work in churches. Work at your craft and make it the best it can possibly be. But even more than that, we need artists in our churches who are known for their art...and their character.

Enjoy the Journey

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