Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Divine Invitation

"God is always looking for ordinary people to play significant roles in His unfolding story." That is a cool thought isn't it? God is looking for people just like you and me to play big roles!? That isn't how we do it. If we want to get something done, we don't look for 'average' or 'ordinary' people to help us. We look for the best and the brightest. We look for people who could really probably do it themselves. Think about it, if you were God, would you have chosen a stuttering 70 year, murderous old shepherd to go to the most powerful man in the most powerful empire on the planet and demand that he let your people go? Probably not. But that is exactly what God did.

So here was Moses, on the side of a mountain, living out his days in peace, when he got an invitation to join the story of God. A bush nearby caught fire, but it wasn't burning up! So naturally he went to investigate and then he got the surprise of a lifetime. God starts talking to him from the bush! What would your reaction have been? After he got over the initial shock, God starts revealing His plan. He said that He was going to free the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt, and then came the punchline..."So now, go, I am sending YOU to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt." What!? God had been talking in first person the whole time and now he was asking, ok telling, Moses to go!

BUT, "When He said, 'You go and bring them out,' He wasn't thinking Moses was going to actually do the delivering. God wasn't counting on Moses' skill or power to break the chains of bondage that held His people captive. God was going to do all the work, He just wanted a leader with skin to speak on His behalf and lead the people to His promised destination. All along God was counting on Himself to pull the story off-not Moses. Definitely not Moses. When God said, 'You go,' He was implying: 'I am going to do this with or without you, Moses, but I've ben searching for just the right partner, a regular guy who will believe that I am able to do exactly what I have said I will do.'"

You see, "When God invites us into His story, assigning us various roles that are seemingly too big for us to carry out, His affirmation is always the same-I will be with you. It's as if He was saying to Moses, 'Don't worry about who you are, just focus on the reality that I'm going, too. And if I go with you, trust Me, everything's going to work out fine.' Bottom line: God and anybody else is an overwhelmingly powerful team."

So Moses is still making excuses, trying to find any way out of this that he can. He asks God who he should say sent him, because no one is going to believe this story. This was a significant moment, because "since the dawn of time, God had been referred to as Yahweh, meaning Most High God-a name so revered by the generations preceding Moses, they rarely even wrote it out in full (choosing instead to abbreviate it). But that revered title was really more of a description than a personal name. No one knew God's personal name. And, as far as we know, no one had dared to ask."

God tells Moses His name. He tells him that His name is "I Am." "God knew it was imperative for Moses to know who He was-that He was I Am. I Am is the present tense, active form of the verb to be. As God's name, it declares that He is unchanging, constant, unending, always present, always God. God was telling Moses: I AM the center of everything. I AM running the show. I AM the same every day, forever. I AM the owner of everything. I AM the Lord. I AM the Creator and Sustainer of life. I AM the Savior. I AM more than enough. I AM inexhaustible and immeasurable. I AM God."

That puts everything in perspective. You see, if God is all of those thing, it means that we are NOT any of those things. If God's name is "I AM," then our name is "i am not." "i am not the center of everything. i am not in control. i am not the solution. i am not all-powerful. i am not calling the shots. i am not the owner of anything. i am not the Lord." As God was explaining all of this to Moses, He said, "This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation" (Exodus 3:15). This is cool because it puts us in the same story as Moses! "God is big. We are not. He is calling the shots, directing the script, and determining the plot. We are not. And, what's really wild is that while He doesn't need any of us, He is choosing to include us, inviting us into the story that never ends. Try to fathom it-little you and me invited into the massive and mysterious story of the great I AM. Are you up for it?"

Enjoy the Journey

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