Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You Can Trust Him

Just because we know that God is God, that He created everything and that He is all powerful, doesn't mean that we know we can trust Him. Think about John the Baptist. While he was sitting in a prison cell hearing about Jesus' miracles, do you think he ever thought, 'why doesn't God help me out here?' 'If the Messiah is right outside, why I am stuck in here?' "We've all been there, wondering if God really is who we think He is-and if He is why He doesn't come and change our circumstances." Well if you know the rest of the story, you know it didn't end well for John...he lost his head. God doesn't always change our circumstances. But sometimes things that don't make sense to us at the time are even better for us than we could imagine.

"The death of Jesus on the cross in what appeared to be a senseless murder was actually divine intervention. When it seemed that God wasn't powerful enough (or big enough) to stop the chaos, God was actually being both big enough and good enough to orchestrate our redemption through the sacrificial death of His only Son. Never before had the world seen love like this. God came down to do the dirty work of buying back our lost and doomed souls in the most staggering act of grace and mercy ever known."

"I hope you see it clearly today: the cross of Christ is the place where trust is born. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is an act of kindness from a loving and trustworthy God, an undeniable demonstration of His goodness that we can cling to when our sight and understanding fail to make sense of the circumstances that surround us. The skies declare that I AM is huge; but Calvary affirms that I AM has the best interest of every 'i am not' in mind at all times. Our God is in the heavens and the whole world is under His command, but now because of Christ we can personally know how much He loves us and believe that He is using everything that comes our way for His glory and for our ultimate good."

The days are coming when you will be questioning, hurting, searching, wondering, struggling, and asking, and you will find that He is sufficient. For every cry, there is an answer. "I need help. I AM. I need hope. I AM. What works? I AM. What lasts? I AM. I need a fresh start. I AM. I need a bigger story. I AM. Nothing's real anymore. I AM. Who can I trust? I AM. Nobody's listening to me. I AM. I don't have a prayer. I AM. I can't hold on. I AM. I'm pouring into others, who's pouring into me? I AM. If we fail, who will get the job done? I AM. I'm not sure why I'm here. I AM. I've given all I can give and it's not enough. I AM. I'm tired. I AM. I quit! I AM. I can't! I AM. Somebody just hold me. I AM."

"And what does this great I AM say of Himself? He says to you and to me: 'I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life. I am the resurrection and the life. I am Savior. I am Jesus-the solution, the restorer, the builder, the answer, the Wise One, the Coming One, the Mighty One. I am the Lord and there is no other. I am God and there is none besides Me. I am the First and the Last. I am Alpha and Omega. I am the Beginning and the End. I am the Lord, that is My name, and I will not give My glory to another, or any of My praise to idols. I AM THAT I AM, and that is My name-My memorial name to every single generation."

As we work each day to exchange our starring roles in the tiny stories of us for supporting roles in the story of I AM, we do so with full confidence that He is worthy of our trust. We move forward through the story with confidence, knowing that I AM is beside us all the way, and that the ending of the story is already written...

Enjoy the Journey

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