Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So What Does a Worship Leader Do?

As far as terminology goes, the term worship leader really hasn't been around that long. It only came into existence in the early 1970's. Sure there have been people leading singing and doing the things worship leaders do, but they've been called by other terms such as priest (in the Old Testament), music directors, song leaders, and many other titles. A worship leader is under a tremendous amount of pressure. Let's face it, many people pick a church based on whether or not they like the music. "Music in the church is important. But is it more important than solid biblical teaching that helps me grow in knowledge of God and obedience to His Word? In a word, no." I think that sometimes we make the worship leader more important than he/she really should be (and that's saying something considering I am one!).

There are a couple of reasons I think that. The main one is that people expect us to 'lead them into God's presence,' as if He isn't already here. It's like they think that since the music has started, God will show up. 'If you play it, He will come.' We are not 'musical high priests' who bring God near through our amazing abilities. Jesus is the only way to come into God's presence, and if He is in your life, God is always present.

The term worship leader can even be confusing. It can communicate (however unintentionally) that the only time we worship is when a musician is leading us, or that worship = singing. The truth is that anyone who encourages us to praise God is a worship leader. Yes worship can involve music, but it also involves listening to or preaching a sermon, giving, praying, and much more. Some aspects of the modern day worship leader's job are inferred in scripture, but we are by no means commanded to have one (this is getting dangerous huh?)!

"No matter how important we think the worship leader role is or isn't, every week those who lead congregational worship have significant opportunities to teach, train, and encourage God's people in praising Him rightly and living for His glory. In that sense worship leaders follow in the footsteps of Old Testament Levites who taught the Israelites what God required in worship and how they could faithfully follow Him."

So what is a worship leader and what do they do? Kauflin came up with a definition that is the basis for the remainder of the book, and I think it is a pretty good one. Check this out.

"A faithful worship leader magnifies the greatness of God in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit by skillfully combining God's Word with music, thereby motivating the gathered church to proclaim the gospel, to cherish God's presence, and to live for God's glory."

Enjoy the Journey

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