Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Through the Holy Spirit

Do we really believe that the Holy Spirit is present every time we gather for worship? Are we actively praying that He will fill this place? How much do you pray about that? What would you say is your ratio of faith in God's Spirit vs. faith in your own ability to lead others in worship? Do you pray prayers like, "God, please bless our time today" or do you pray that the Spirit will reveal Christ to all those who are present? If we are truly honest, we are desperately dependent on the Spirit each time we lead. Knowing this takes a lot of pressure off of us. We aren't in control anyway! We can take our mind off of how the service will flow, if the sound system will work, or how many people will be baptized at the end of service.

For many of us, our immediate response is, 'yes of course I believe the Spirit is with us and I rely fully on Him!' But do our actions back up that statement? Do we honestly expect the Spirit to do amazing things each time we gather? If we do, then that means that we will fulfill "our responsibilities with joy, expectation, and faithfulness. No Sunday is a 'normal' Sunday. No meeting is a 'routine' meeting. Every time we gather, we can expect God to do the miraculous, transforming us into His image as we behold His glory."

As we enter each weekend service, may we be excited knowing that the Holy Spirit is present with us, and may we ask Him to do amazing things in our midst.

Enjoy the Journey

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