Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tyranny of the Good (from Radical Together by David Platt)

"I spend so much time in church doing good church things that I don't have time to spread the gospel?" Can you relate? When I say good church things I'm not being sarcastic at all. We can easily fill up our schedules with things that are good in and of themselves. The problem arises when we realize that we don't have time to do what we are called to do (bring people to Jesus) because we are spending too much time at picnics, worship team rehearsals, and youth group parties! Are any of those things bad? I certainly hope not! But "the last thing you and I want to do is waste our lives on religious activity that is devoid of spiritual productivity-being active in the church but not advancing the kingdom of God." That is why as David Platt says in his book 'Radical Together,' "one of the worst enemies of Christians can be good things in church." We can very easily trick ourselves into thinking that just because we are in the church building we are advancing the kingdom of God. However dedication to church programs does not equal devotion to God's kingdom.

That is why we have to take a good long look at our lives and answer this question: "Am I willing to put everything that I am doing on the table and figure out if these are the best ways I can use my life for God?" Are you willing to say to God, "I will do whatever You want, I will drop whatever You command, I will eliminate whatever is not best, and I will add whatever is necessary in order to make your glory known in the world around me, no matter what it costs me?" This is a hard process. It is hard because we can justify anything. I am really good at it. Knowing this, we have to avoid questions like, 'what is wrong with doing this?' We have to avoid this question because we've already established that the things we are doing in and of themselves are good things! The question we must ask is "Are these programs and activities the best way to spend our time, money, and energy for the spread of the gospel in our neighborhood and in all nations?"

I know this is hard. It is hard because it will require us to take an honest look at our lives and make some changes that we don't really want to make. Changes that will impact our lifestyle. The things that we are involved in (for the most part) are good things! They may even be things that we have been doing for many years now. That is why it is hard to let go of them. But if we are honest, we know that "if we want to unleash the people of God in the church for the glory of God in the world, we need to let go of some good things." God is calling us to what is best so that people can come to know Him. Are you ready to let go?

Enjoy the Journey

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