Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Worship Amidst Adversity

Worshiping when times are tough is one of the hardest things to do. David seemed to have it down pretty well though, and he was not at all a stranger to calamity. There are times when he was hopeless and discouraged, like when his father in law sent assassins to kill him in the middle of the night and the only reason he escaped is because his wife tipped him off! Maybe you've never had assassins after you, but I bet you know what it is like to be hopeless and discouraged.

David also faced anxiousness and fear. He couldn't stay in the country because Saul was trying to kill him so he had to flee to Gath, which in case you didn't know, was Goliath's hometown. He wasn't exactly going to win any popularity contests there either! He was so scared for his life that he pretended to be insane, drooling all over himself and acting crazy so they wouldn't kill him! Instead they just kicked him out of town.

Later Saul died and he became King, but he faced frustration and disappointment because he wanted to build a temple for God, and God told him no! Not only did he tell David no, but told him that his son would get to do it! David had long dreamed of building a house for God, but God denied his request and David didn't even live long enough to see the project started! David was allowed to help make preparations, but he couldn't help start the build. "There are times when a dream is from God, but the role He has for us is not what we hoped or imagined."

David faced devastation and depression because of family issues. One of his sons raped his half sister and then another one of his sons killed him for it! That makes for awkward dinner conversation! Absolom (the one who killed his brother) then ran away from home. Later he started a coup that drove David out of the palace and he lost the kingdom for a little while! David went into depression and he was absolutely worn out from all of this. Later Absolom was killed in a fight with some of David's men. Talk about family problems!

So how did David respond? He worshiped. Did he vent to God? Absolutely. It amazes me how many people think that asking God why something happened is a sin. David did this constantly! He bore His soul to God. He cast his burdens on God. God is big enough to handle your problems and your concerns! But here is the thing. David didn't just talk to God about his problems, he also talked to his problems about his God. He constantly dwelled on the attributes of God. Even among the hardest times of his life David often referred to God as his Singh and shield. When you spend time focusing on the attributes of God, God gets bigger and your problems come into proper perspective. They may not disappear, but they are placed in the hands of a huge, almighty God who can handle them with ease if He chooses to do so. "Worship reminds us that God is always bigger than any burdens we carry or any challenges we face."

When this happens, our faith is increased and we are transformed. Trouble is part of life this side of heaven. Jesus promised that we would have trouble in this world. But He also said that we shouldn't fear, because He has overcome the world! Trials and tribulations build in us endurance, which builds in us character, which produces hope.

May we, like David, be people that trust to God first in adversity..not as a last resort. As worship leaders, we come from a long line of people including David, who have learned to worship God in the good times and the bad. May we remember that "no matter what happens, God is still sovereign, He is still good, and He is still worthy of our highest praise."

Enjoy the Journey

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