Some of us get so caught up in the Law. We think that we have to do all this good stuff so that God will love us and if we don't do this or we don't do that at least three times this week then God won't love us anymore. That is so stupid. That thought process isn't really helped out by our churches though is it? We have event after event and you better come to all of them or you don't love God! Stupid. What you do doesn't make God love you, it is what He has already done that shows how much He already loved you from the start! God loves everyone, He always has, He always will. Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean everyone is going to heaven no matter what. God loved us enough to provide us a way to heaven through sending Jesus to die for us. If He didn't love us, He wouldn't have done that.
That being said, I punish Micah when he does something wrong. That doesn't mean I don't love him. In the same way, if we chose to reject God then He will send us to hell, but that doesn't mean He didn't love us. This is where the law comes in. Before Jesus, we needed a way to know if we were doing things right or wrong. We can still use the law for that today. The law is perfect, but that doesn't mean it can save you. Only Jesus can. The purpose of the law is to show us how much we need Jesus!
Some people will tell you that you have to keep the law to be saved. Some people will tell you that you have to do a bunch of stuff or not do a bunch of stuff to be saved. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. Get away from them right now. Only Jesus can save. You can't earn your way into heaven. You can't get there by having enough community service hours. Only through the death of Jesus do we have access to heaven. That's the good news of the gospel. Jesus came and died so that we could be forgiven and go to heaven. So take a deep breath, your salvation isn't up to you.
Enjoy the Journey
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