Monday, August 12, 2013

He is Greater

John the Baptist comes on the scene, and he is a fascinating character. H is out in the wilderness dressed like a wild man, but people are flocking out to hear what he has to say. He is drawing such a crowd that the Pharisees and Saducees even come out to see what's going on! He is baptizing people and warning them to flee from the coming wrath. He is also preaching about one who is to come after him who will save the world. It is pretty amazing that all of this popularity doesn't go to John's head. But I guess if you really realize that the Son of God is right around the corner it kind of keeps things in perspective.

As a pastor, I have the same job as prepare the way for Jesus. The smae temptation is there as gather followers for me and not for Him. There is real danger here because it feels good when people want to follow you. However if I am attracting followers for myself that means I am taking them away from Jesus. That puts me in direct competition with the Son of God! Not a good place to be. I have to guard against that temptation by continually focusing on the greatness of Jesus. I know I don't compare to Him, but if I take my eyes off of Him for awhile I can start to become full of myself. 

So I have to focus on what I know about Jesus. He is perfect, I am not. He came to save the world, something I couldn't do. He has made me right with God, something I was powerless to accomplish. He can save, I cannot. 

If I remember those things, it is easy to put Him before me. The truth of the matter is, He is greater. He must become greater, I must become less.

Enjoy the Journey

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