Thursday, August 01, 2013

Love and Truth

John is writing to 'a lady chosen by God along with her children.' I'm not sure if he's talking about an actual lady or if he's writing to the church (often referred to as the bride of Christ), but either way, what he has to say is beneficial to us me. He reminds her and her children to live by 'the command we received from the beginning': love each other! But this time he goes on to clarify that he isn't talking about some abstract concept or feeling. He says in verse 6:

"Love is defined by our obedience to His commands." If I follow the teachings of Jesus, I will be living in love of my fellow man.

He also warns again that there are many people out there who are denying the reality of the gospel. Not only that but they are teaching other people to do the same. I have to be very careful around these people. In fact, John says not even to welcome them into my home as a brother or sister. Why? That doesn't sound very loving does it?

Notice that John doesn't say to never associate with them or try to get them on the right track. He simply says not to treat them as a brother or sister in Christ, because they aren't! If I pretend everything is ok when it isn't ok, that isn't love. The most loving thing I can do is talk with someone about the gospel because when they come to faith in Jesus, it will save them for eternity. Is it loving to know someone is going to hell, but treat them as if they are going to heaven? John goes so far as to say if I welcome this person and their teaching you are partnering with them in their wicked agenda.

The importance of being in the Word of God can't be overstated. How else will I know if what other people are teaching is truth? I don't think pleading ignorance is going to work either. I have the very words of God, I just have to read them. God's will and His word are not hidden, so I am without excuse.

Enjoy the Journey

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