Thursday, April 18, 2013

What do I pray for?

Paul opens his 2nd letter to the Thessalonians talking about their suffering. Apparently things were going from bad to worse for the believers there. But in spite of that, most of them were staying true to the gospel. Paul is so proud of them. He writes to encourage them that this suffering won't last forever, and that God will handle it. Suffering has a tendency to shape us in ways that nothing else can. I have had my fair share of suffering, and it has made me who I am today. Unlike the people Paul is writing to, most of the suffering I've gone through has been from people within the church. But God is faithful, and He is accomplishing things in me and through me nonetheless. I love what Paul writes to them in verse 11:

All this is why we are constantly praying for you, so God will make you worthy of the great calling you have received from Him and will give you the power to accomplish every good intention and work of faith.

That is my prayer too! I pray that God will make me worthy of the calling He has given me. I know that I can't accomplish anything in my own, so I pray for His strength and power to make it possible. If there is one thing I've learned, it is that being faithful always brings suffering. But suffering leads to growth if you let it. God will never leave me or forsake me, so what do I have to fear? He is doing great things in me, through me, and around me everyday, I just have to be willing to open up my eyes and see them!

Enjoy the Journey


Unknown said...

Enjoyed reading this reminder of the bible. Especially the "suffering" part. It does mold us and shape us like nothing else can.
Losing my daughter 4 years ago has been the hardest thing and deepest pain to go through. Her life had a purpose and I am seeing to it that with God's help, we will help others through her premature death for those who are suffering today.


Unknown said...

Enjoyed reading this reminder of the bible. Especially the "suffering" part. It does mold us and shape us like nothing else can.
Losing my daughter 4 years ago has been the hardest thing and deepest pain to go through. Her life had a purpose and I am seeing to it that with God's help, we will help others through her premature death for those who are suffering today.
