Friday, April 12, 2013

Why Do I Do Ministry?

Paul is so proud of them. Why? Because they have truly taken the message of Jesus to heart. They aren't going to let anything or anyone get them off track. They are even willing to suffer for Jesus. There will always be people who are opposed to the message of Jesus. Many times, those people are in the church already. I know it sounds weird, but most attacks on Christians don't come from outside the church, but from the inside...from people who claim Jesus as Lord. But when you start preaching the truth and start saying the same things Jesus said they way that He said them, it causes controversy. Why? Because Jesus was a polarizing figure. He wants everything and won't take anything less.

So here people who are willing to suffer for the message of Jesus and Paul couldn't be more proud of them. He has some harsh words for those who are causing the trouble, he says that their sins are piling up and they will face God's wrath! In other words, don't cause divisions in the church, follow Jesus at all costs! It matters, it has eternal consequences. Enough about them. Paul praises the people and is sad that he hasn't been able to make it back to visit them. But he closes the chapter by encouraging them to keep focused on what is important. He says as much as he would love to come visit them, his glory, his reward will be to stand with them before Jesus and get to go to heaven together!

That is why I am in ministry. It isn't to make everyone happy (although if I'm honest I want people to like me!). It is to help those who want to find Jesus find Him. So many times that leads to trouble, because people don't like it when you call them to change. But such is the task God has given me. I pray for boldness to speak the truth no matter the cost. I pray for the strength to please God above everyone else. I pray for people to surround me who have the same goal, to stand before Jesus together one day and hear Him say, 'Well done.'

Enjoy the Journey

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