Monday, June 24, 2013

The Tongue

James warns that not everyone should become teachers of the Word. Why? Because teachers will be held to a higher standard. Think about it: if I tell you that something is ok and it turns out it isn't and you go to hell, whose fault is it? Well, yours because you did it, but I share some blame because I said it was fine! This is terrifying. That is why I have to be really careful about the things that I say and do as someone who teaches others about Jesus. The tongue is a powerful thing. 

The tongue can be used to build people up or tear them down. There really isn't anything else as powerful. The old saying, 'sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me' is a lie. Words cut deep. Words also heal. How I choose to use them is so important. Taming the tongue is hard to do though. I do my best, and I like to think that most of the time I do ok. However I know that my tongue is not fully tamed because I still use it for evil sometimes. It is a hard reality, but one that I (and everyone else) have to deal with daily, even moment by moment. 

The mystery is that my mouth praises God and tears others down. I have to remember that the people that I'm tearing down God loved enough to create with His own hands and send Jesus to die for! That puts a whole new perspective on things. That being said, it is still easy to use my tongue to tear others down. I'm praying that God works on my heart and my mouth. May my lips be reserved for building others up and glorifying God.

Enjoy the Journey

Saturday, June 22, 2013

When is Faith like a Corpse?

Do I judge people by how much money they have? I try not to. It's harder than it sounds though. The truth is, we'd all rather sit by someone who doesn't smell bad than someone that does. James takes a minute at the beginning of this chapter to remind me that we're all in the same boat spiritually. We're all in need of the grace and mercy of Jesus, and it isn't my place to keep anyone from coming to Him. Love other as you love yourself. That is the second greatest commandment! Sometimes it is easy to do, and other times it is really hard. I've noticed that some people just really aren't that lovable. But I don't get a choice. Welcome to having a Lord. Jesus says love people, all people, so that is what I have to do! 

It is interesting that he goes right from this into talking about what he talks about next. Because I can see myself thinking, ok I get it, I have to love everyone. But then James says that knowing this doesn't do you any good unless you do it! In fact he goes so far as to say your faith is dead unless you live it out! That one hit me between the eyes this morning. If I'm not living the way that the Bible asks me to live, then I might as well not believe it to start with! I believe in God! Fantastic, so do the demons...and they are terrified! I should be terrified too if I'm not doing what He says I should doing. 

This is where James punches a lot of theology that we love today in the face. He says some things here that many people don't like. But that doesn't mean it isn't true. There are many things that I don't like that are true anyway. Such as the speed limit on my way to work. It is 45mph, and whether I like it or not doesn't change anything. Sure I can go 80mph, and I will find out really quickly that the speed limit really is 45mph! Just because I don't like it doesn't mean it isn't true. The truth is, you can't just say you believe in Jesus and think that you're fine. Yes, our salvation is rooted in belief in Jesus and what He has done for us, but that is only the beginning. You see, I believe in the Tampa Bay Rays, but that believe doesn't change my life and therefore doesn't actually do me any good. The same is true with God, if my belief doesn't change me than it isn't worth anything. 

That is why I (and the church I'm a part of) teach that we need to: hear, believe, repent, confess, be baptized, and live for Jesus. That is how you become and Christian! There are no shortcuts. Check out how James ends the chapter:

"Removing action from faith is like removing breath from a body. All you have left is a corpse."

That is pretty intense, but that is the truth. Whether I like it or not doesn't actually matter.

Enjoy the Journey

Friday, June 21, 2013

Live It

James is the brother of Jesus, and he wrote a book of the pressure right? What do you think it was like growing up with Jesus as your brother? "You think You're so perfect!?" "Yes." Anyway, James opens His book by telling the Jewish Christians to seek the wisdom of God, and not to rely on their own wisdom. According to James, God will grant me wisdom if I ask for it, and He won't even be mad about it. He also says that without the wisdom of God I will just be floating through life with no direction, and ultimately be in a bad spot. Something hit me this morning, check out verse 7:

"Those adrift on their own wisdom shouldn't assume The Lord will rescue them or bring them anything."

In other words, if you aren't following God, you shouldn't expect help from Him. You hear this all the time. People use their bad situations as proof that God doesn't exist because He didn't help them. But 
think about this: Why would God help me if I'm purposely living in a way that rejects Him? It doesn't even make sense! God's grace is free to all who believe, but I can't forget that repentance is a big part of it too!

My faith is often revealed in my worst days. How much do I rely on God when the bottom falls out? If I persevere and keep the faith I will be rewarded. It is also true that if I'm persevering God will be with me through the whole thing! That makes it a little easier too. The opposite is true as well. According to James, when I give in to my sin, it gives birth to death. That's what sin does, it kills. 

I hear this all the time today: be real. This is what James says:

"Prove that you are real. Put the word into action. If you think hearing is what matters most, you're delusional-you are going to find you have been deceived."

It sounds like commons sense, but so many people have a hard time with this, including myself. Knowing things about Jesus doesn't do you any good...if they don't change your life. You can go to church your whole life, in fact you can live there if you want to..and still go to hell. It isn't about how much knowledge you have, it comes down to whether or not you put it into practice. An ounce of application is worth 1,000lbs of theory. I'm not saying I don't have to study the word, I'm simply saying that it is a waste of my time if I don't live it out. Think about it, the Pharisees had the entire Old Testament memorized, and Jesus tore them to pieces because they didn't live out what they knew to be true. So I have to ask myself, what am I doing with the knowledge of Jesus that I have? If the answer is, 'not much,' then I have a serious problem. 

Enjoy the Journey

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Filled with Love

As I come to the close of the book of Hebrews, the writer encourages them to be filled with love. I really like The Voice's translation of verse 1: "Let love continue among you. Let it be the air you take in, that uncurls within you, and that extends between you." This is the basis for life in Christ. I mean, it is the greatest commandment as well (Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.)! He reminds them to look after each other, keep the marriage bed pure, and to be careful money doesn't take over their lives. Good advice for me today!

Then he says, 'listen to your leaders, who have spoken God's word to you. Notice the fruit of their lives and mirror their faith.' I have to choose my leaders carefully. This is a big deal, especially if I'm supposed to mirror their faith. As a leader this is a big deal too! I have to make sure that my faith is solid if people are supposed to look like me (that is kind of a scary thought if I'm perfectly honest). The good news is that Jesus is always the same. He is constant, and He is good.

What does it really look like to be filled with love? How does my life need to change? One thing I know for sure, Jesus' priority is people. It is easy to get so caught up in getting all the tasks done that I am responsible for that I neglect the people I'm doing the tasks to help! I need more margin in my life so that I can be there for the people that God has called me to love. It's not easy, my lists are always looming. But there comes a time when I have to make a choice between what God has asked of me, and what my lists ask of me.

The time is now. Let's go.

Enjoy the Journey

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It's Bigger than Me.

Everybody wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves. That's why team sports are so popular. That's why we want to be a part of a relationship that works. People search their whole lives looking for something that is big and that will last. I am a Christian, so I can stop looking. I am a part of something that began before time and that will go on into eternity. I am a part of something that countless others have been a part of before me, and countless others will be a part of after me. Christianity will never be about me, because it always has and always will be about Jesus.

My job is to stay focused on Him. If I'm honest, some days are easier than others. Jesus promised that I would have trouble in this world, and He wasn't playing around! The good news is that He endured the cross so I wouldn't have to face the trouble that I actually deserve. Going through hard times is never fun, in fact it is often quite painful. But it does produce me an endurance that will shape my life if I let it.

I am part of a kingdom that will last forever. It will never falter or fade. My King will rule for all time. There is no one who can take Him down. There is nothing that can knock Him off the throne. Many have tried to bring it down over the years. Newsflash, fighting against God is a bad idea. In words of the great philosopher Darth Vadar, 'It is pointless to resist.'

Step into something bigger. Welcome to the Kingdom.

Enjoy the Journey

Friday, June 07, 2013

A New and Perfect Covenant

So we've talked about Jesus as the perfect High Priest, but why did He need to come down here to start with? I mean there was already a system in place for the people of God. There were already priests, a temple, they had the law, that's all they needed right? Apparently not. The first covenant, or arrangement, was a foreshadowing of things that were to come. The purpose of the law was never to save people, it was to reveal to us how utterly sinful and lost we really are. Plus, we haven't even talked about the fact that the first covenant was really only open to Jewish people! If that didn't change I'd be in big trouble! So if the first covenant isn't going to work, then there has to be a second one. 

This all sounds good, but before we go any further, let's make sure that we can back this up with scripture. Check out verse 9:
"Remember, if the first covenant had been able to reconcile everyone to God, there would be no reason for a second covenant."

So the first covenant wasn't able to get the job done. I would argue that it was never meant to get the job done in the first place, but to simply point to the need for Jesus. Again, being able to see this is a benefit of living on this side of the cross! It is amazing to me how many people wish they lived when Jesus did so they could have seen it first hand. I'd just like to point out that practically no one believed Him! I feel extremely blessed to live in the time and place that I do, I get to look at the bigger picture the way most people in history could only dream of. This is what is awesome about having the completed Bible! God has done an incredible thing! What the old covenant failed to do, the new covenant brought forth by Jesus does perfectly. Jesus brought us back into a right relationship with God through His death, burial, and resurrection. 

This is the good news of the gospel. This is why we don't have to follow all the rules and regulations of the Old Testament law. Jesus brought a new covenant, one that replaced the old covenant. The new covenant is perfect, and it gives us the chance to truly have our sins forgiven. If that isn't reason to celebrate, I don't kow what is!

Enjoy the Journey

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Jesus Our Priest

Melchizedek is one of the most interesting characters in the Bible. We really don't know much about him. He only appears a couple of times. We do know this: he was a priest and he was a king. He blessed Abraham and Abraham gave him a 10th of everything he had (the first tithe). Many people have debated and wondered if this was Jesus coming down to interact with Abraham. The Bible doesn't tell us, so I think it's really a waste of time to even go there. What we do know for sure is that God loves to use foreshadowing as He weaves His story. Melchizedek is a priest and king, and so is Jesus. We don't know anything about his birth or death, and Jesus is eternal. 

We know that Melchizedek was greater than Abraham, because Abraham gave him a 10th of everything he owned. That's pretty incredible because it was through Abraham that the Jewish nation was founded and Jesus was born. Jesus is called 'a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.' What that means is that He is greater than all the other priests. He won't die, and He is greater than Abraham. I love foreshadowing, and being able to see it is one of the benefits of living on this side of the cross! God set up the priesthood of the Israelites to show us what He was going to do through Jesus! Check out what verse 18-19 say:

"Because the earlier commandment was weak and did not reconcile us to God effectively, it was set aside-after all, the law could not make anyone or anything perfect. God has now introduced a new and better hope, through which we may draw near to Him..."

One of the reasons Jesus came was to be that perfect priest. To make the ultimate sacrifice for sin that would indeed reconcile us to God once and for all. He is the only One qualified to make such a sacrifice. He is indeed greater than Abraham, Aaron, or any of the priests. The pages of scripture are rich with foreshadowing, with Jesus as the big payoff. What a perfect priest, Lord, and Savior we  have! What a creative and loving God we serve! 

His story is still unfolding, and I have a part to play. It's not a starring role, that position has already been filled. But I thank God that I get to play a supporting role in the eternally beautiful epic that is the story of God. 

Enjoy the Journey


Monday, June 03, 2013

A Hope that Lasts

Now we have to move past the basics. You see, it's not ok with God for me to be stagnant in my faith. I can't stay in one place. Either I'm growing and producing a crop or I'm dying and just taking up space. God doesn't have time for that! It is a scary thought if you really think about it. I'm supposed to be growing in my faith all the time. Like a child who grows into an adult. I have a front row seat to this with my son! Sometimes I wish he would stop growing or at least slow it down a bit, but he can't, that is what he was made to do. Kids grow up. That is what I'm supposed to do spiritually too! I can't stay a little kid forever. There is work to do! And according to Hebrews 6, if I'm not cool with that, I'm going to die spiritually! It actually says if I'm not producing, I'm in danger of being burned up! How's that for motivation! The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom right? 

But lest I be terrified and become petrified in the process, I have to remember there is a great hope for me. I am covered by the blood of Jesus! I am on His team! Check out verses 19-20:

"That hope is real and true, an anchor to steady our restless souls, a hope that leads us back behind the curtain to where God is (as the high priests did in the days when reconciliation flowed from sacrifices in the temple) and back into the place where Jesus, who went ahead on our behalf, has entered since He has become a High Priest forever in the order of Melchizedek."

This hope gives us a sense of calm, and it also gives us real motivation to work and produce fruit. It moves from fear to love, and that is amazing.

Enjoy the Journey

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Jesus Our High Priest

Our writer then talks about Jesus as the Great High Priest. This is pretty amazing since Jesus is also the sacrifice! But a high priest has a very important job, check out verse 1:

"The job of every high priest is reconciliation: approaching God on behalf of others and offering Him gifts and sacrifices to repair the damage caused by our sins against God and each other."

So many times I don't think I take my own sin seriously enough. Sometimes I take for granted what Jesus has done and continues to do on my behalf. Sin causes damage to my relationship with God, and it is damage that I can't fix on my own. Without Jesus the Great High Priest, I would have no shot. I was reading 'Follow Me' by David Platt recently and he described the seriousness of our sin this way:

A taxi driver in the Middle East was talking to someone about the seriousness of sin. The guy he was talking to didn't think it was that big of a deal, he figured he'd probably go to hell for a little while, but then be let it because he wasn't that bad. The driver ask him, 'What do you think would happen if you slapped me in the face right now?' The man said, 'You'd kick me out of the taxi.' 'And if you slapped a random person on the street in the face?' 'I'd probably get beaten up.' 'And if you slapped a police officer?' 'I'd definitely get beaten up and probably put in jail.' 'And if you slapped the king of this country?' 'I would be killed.' You see, said the driver, the punishment for sin is directly proportional to the one you sin against. If you sin against an eternally holy God, your punishment will be and should be eternal.

I'm really glad that Jesus is my High Priest. I'm really glad He has my back. I'm a screw up, and I desperately need His help. 

There is another point that our writer makes at the end that I thought was very interesting. He says that he has much more to say but they can't handle it because they are like little kids, they won't get it. These are people who have been Christians for a while but are still spiritual infants. How do you grow up? Well, he tells them in verse 14:

"But solid food is for those who have come of age, for those who have learned through practice to distinguish good from evil."

I find it very interesting that it is through practice, not through sitting in a classroom or listening to a bunch of sermons or being in a Life Group or even reading your Bible every day. All of those things are good and fine but if they don't influence the way you live your life it doesn't matter! A ounce of application is worth 1,000lbs of theory. May I not just be a hearer of the word, but a doer.

Enjoy the Journey