Monday, June 03, 2013

A Hope that Lasts

Now we have to move past the basics. You see, it's not ok with God for me to be stagnant in my faith. I can't stay in one place. Either I'm growing and producing a crop or I'm dying and just taking up space. God doesn't have time for that! It is a scary thought if you really think about it. I'm supposed to be growing in my faith all the time. Like a child who grows into an adult. I have a front row seat to this with my son! Sometimes I wish he would stop growing or at least slow it down a bit, but he can't, that is what he was made to do. Kids grow up. That is what I'm supposed to do spiritually too! I can't stay a little kid forever. There is work to do! And according to Hebrews 6, if I'm not cool with that, I'm going to die spiritually! It actually says if I'm not producing, I'm in danger of being burned up! How's that for motivation! The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom right? 

But lest I be terrified and become petrified in the process, I have to remember there is a great hope for me. I am covered by the blood of Jesus! I am on His team! Check out verses 19-20:

"That hope is real and true, an anchor to steady our restless souls, a hope that leads us back behind the curtain to where God is (as the high priests did in the days when reconciliation flowed from sacrifices in the temple) and back into the place where Jesus, who went ahead on our behalf, has entered since He has become a High Priest forever in the order of Melchizedek."

This hope gives us a sense of calm, and it also gives us real motivation to work and produce fruit. It moves from fear to love, and that is amazing.

Enjoy the Journey

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