Monday, June 24, 2013

The Tongue

James warns that not everyone should become teachers of the Word. Why? Because teachers will be held to a higher standard. Think about it: if I tell you that something is ok and it turns out it isn't and you go to hell, whose fault is it? Well, yours because you did it, but I share some blame because I said it was fine! This is terrifying. That is why I have to be really careful about the things that I say and do as someone who teaches others about Jesus. The tongue is a powerful thing. 

The tongue can be used to build people up or tear them down. There really isn't anything else as powerful. The old saying, 'sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me' is a lie. Words cut deep. Words also heal. How I choose to use them is so important. Taming the tongue is hard to do though. I do my best, and I like to think that most of the time I do ok. However I know that my tongue is not fully tamed because I still use it for evil sometimes. It is a hard reality, but one that I (and everyone else) have to deal with daily, even moment by moment. 

The mystery is that my mouth praises God and tears others down. I have to remember that the people that I'm tearing down God loved enough to create with His own hands and send Jesus to die for! That puts a whole new perspective on things. That being said, it is still easy to use my tongue to tear others down. I'm praying that God works on my heart and my mouth. May my lips be reserved for building others up and glorifying God.

Enjoy the Journey

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