It is interesting that he goes right from this into talking about what he talks about next. Because I can see myself thinking, ok I get it, I have to love everyone. But then James says that knowing this doesn't do you any good unless you do it! In fact he goes so far as to say your faith is dead unless you live it out! That one hit me between the eyes this morning. If I'm not living the way that the Bible asks me to live, then I might as well not believe it to start with! I believe in God! Fantastic, so do the demons...and they are terrified! I should be terrified too if I'm not doing what He says I should doing.
This is where James punches a lot of theology that we love today in the face. He says some things here that many people don't like. But that doesn't mean it isn't true. There are many things that I don't like that are true anyway. Such as the speed limit on my way to work. It is 45mph, and whether I like it or not doesn't change anything. Sure I can go 80mph, and I will find out really quickly that the speed limit really is 45mph! Just because I don't like it doesn't mean it isn't true. The truth is, you can't just say you believe in Jesus and think that you're fine. Yes, our salvation is rooted in belief in Jesus and what He has done for us, but that is only the beginning. You see, I believe in the Tampa Bay Rays, but that believe doesn't change my life and therefore doesn't actually do me any good. The same is true with God, if my belief doesn't change me than it isn't worth anything.
That is why I (and the church I'm a part of) teach that we need to: hear, believe, repent, confess, be baptized, and live for Jesus. That is how you become and Christian! There are no shortcuts. Check out how James ends the chapter:
"Removing action from faith is like removing breath from a body. All you have left is a corpse."
That is pretty intense, but that is the truth. Whether I like it or not doesn't actually matter.
Enjoy the Journey
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