Thursday, July 25, 2013

Do I Really Walk with God?

John opens his letter by reminding us who Jesus is. Jesus has been with God from the beginning, He is perfect in every way. Yet He came down and spent time here on earth, with John himself! So who better to listen to about Jesus than someone who actually hung out with Him! John was very close to Jesus, in fact he was known as the 'disciple Jesus loved.' So when John speaks about Jesus, we can trust it, because he knew Jesus very well. 

He goes on to talk about walking with God. He says that God is pure light, and if you are still stumbling around in the dark, then you can't say you are walking with God. In other words, if you are still deliberately sinning, the you aren't walking with God. God is not ok with that. In the same way, if you claim to have no sin, you aren't telling the truth and therefore aren't walking with God either. But if you confess your sin, the blood of Jesus will purifiy you and you will be allowed to walk with God. This is a big deal, because it puts us in our proper place. You see we aren't perfect and we need forgiveness, and we have to recognize that and ask for it before it will be given to us. We can't just give up and assume God's forgiveness though, we have to do our best to live for Him. 

If I love God, I will try really hard to live for Him. Even though I know I will fail, I still keep trying. This is where the beauty of grace comes in to play. But grace is not given to those who make no effort. Everything won't just 'work out' in the end. Being a Christian is hard, but it's worth it.

Enjoy the Journey

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