Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Is God Slow?

People were making fun of believers because Jesus hadn't come back yet...sound familiar? It's fascinating that it is ok to make fun of Christians whenever you want, but if Christians even state what we believe then we are labeled as hateful and intolerant. It shouldn't be surprising, that has been going on ever since Jesus left the first time! People have a hard time dealing with the truth and so they just make light of it so they don't have to change their lives. You see, if you realize the truth, then you are obligated to change the way you live. 

Peter urges the believers not to become discouraged, but to remember that what they believe is the truth. I have to remember all the things that God has done, and I have to look at all the things He is still doing, otherwise it is easy to become discouraged. But I have to remember that I have been entrusted with the truth. Jesus is Lord, and He is coming again. Yes it has been a long time, but I am grateful for that otherwise I might not have had the chance to come to know Him. God is not slow, but patient. He doesn't want anyone to go to hell, but that is a reality that most face. That is why Jesus hasn't returned yet, Christians still have a job to do. It is time to take that job seriously.

Enjoy the Journey 

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