Following Jesus isn't something you just put on autopilot. It is hard work and it takes intentional steps every single day. John says you aren't following Jesus unless you are doing what He says. That seems almost dumbed down, but think about it. How many people do you know who claim to be followers of Christ that don't even try to keep some of the commands of Jesus because they are just too hard? According to John, these people aren't following Jesus. That doesn't mean that we won't ever sin, and John addresses that. He says that Jesus stands up for us when we sin. However, there is a big difference between someone who sins and someone who leads a lifestyle of sin. For example, there is a big difference between someone who lied and a liar. A liar is someone who constantly says things that aren't true. This person is not following Jesus. Probably a more socially accepted one would be sex before marriage. The Bible states over and over again that this is sin. If I am having sex before I am married, I am not following Jesus. Like I said, following Jesus is difficult, and sometimes it causes us to go against our culture.
Later on, John says that we don't even know God if we don't love. Wow. I mean I love some people, mostly people who love me back...but is that really what he is talking about? How does God love people? Well, He sent Jesus to die for us 'while we were still sinners,' so I think that is a if clue. How can I claim to love God and walk closely with Him if I don't love people? According to John, I can't.
Again John warns that people are already teaching false things about Jesus. He calls them antichrists. Actually this is where we get the term antichrist from. The term is never used in Revelation. That's just an interesting side note. Anyway, he comes back again to the thought that I need to be careful who I listen to about Jesus. I need to be in the Word myself so that I will be able to tell when people are saying things that aren't true. Following Jesus is hard, but it is the only way to eternal life.
Enjoy the Journey
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