Thursday, January 02, 2014

Why the Meek will Inherit the Earth

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5 NIV)

This problem every I've ever seen on this earth. We are taught from a very early age by society that to get ahead you must be ruthless. But here Jesus says it is those who are humble, gentle, and kind that will inherit the earth. I think that it the humbleness these people comes from the heart poor in spirit. They have realized that there is no hope without Jesus, so what is there to be arrogant about? They have laid down their pride and taken up their cross. This is supposed to be the trait of every follower of Jesus. It doesn't mean that you are supposed to just let anyone walk over you, but that you have a right view of yourself and your place in the world. 

The people hearing this for the first time would have thought that he was talking about the promised land. They are correct, but he is talking about so much more than that. God story is one of redemption, and I believe that he will redeem the entire earth, not just Palestine. But who will inherit this new earth? Those who have surrendered their lives and their pride to Jesus, and follow him wholeheartedly. 

Even now the meek this life more fully. One characteristic that they share is contentment. They can be happy with what God has given them, and therefore enjoy this life more than others. They are calm, and therefore more peaceful and stable. They have servants hearts, and they have discovered the joy that can only come from having servants heart. 

So not only are the meek more joyful, peaceful, and stable on this earth, they will inherit the new heaven and new earth. 

Enjoy the Journey

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