Wednesday, May 08, 2013

I Know This Is True

Paul tells Timothy that if he wants to be a soldier of the Liberating King than he has to be ready to suffer. Soldiers fight, there is pain and suffering. He also compares life in Christ to being an athlete. There is training involved! There are blood, sweat, and tears. Is it worth it? Ask any athlete who wins or a conquering soldier and they will tell you it is worth it. It is worth it because they are working toward something, and they are willing to make sacrifices to make it happen. Life in Christ is the same. We are striving to follow Jesus, and there is a major price to pay. Jesus promises us that we will have trouble in this world, but He also says that we can take heart, because He has overcome the world! 

That sounds fantastic when you look at it on paper. It is a different story though when you are going through it isn't it? Just like everybody else I ask the question, 'Why is this happening to me' when trouble comes. I don't know that there is an easy answer. I know that we live in a world that is broken because of sin, and I know that rain falls on both the righteous and the wicked, but sometimes those answers just seem to ring hollow don't they? I do know this: when the night is darkest, you find out what you really believe. 

Check out what Paul says to Timothy: "Here’s a statement you can trust: If we died with Him, we will live with Him. If we remain with Him, we will reign alongside Him. If we deny Him, we will be denied by Him. If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, For He is not able to deny Himself." 

I have died with Christ, I have paid and continue to pay the price for it. Life is hard, and coming to Christ doesn't change that. It does however bring hope. It does bring peace beyond understanding. It does bring joy, even in pain. It does give us access to a God whose love never fades or fails. 

That is what I know. And that is why I keep going.

Enjoy the Journey

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