Since I believe that God, heaven, and hell are all real, I have to take what God says very seriously. If God is real, then what He says about eternal punishment must also be real. This is what makes the coming of Jesus so miraculous! If hell isn't a reality, then why on earth would Jesus come down here to start with? But since He did, I've got to pay attention.
God sent His own Son in the flesh to pay the price I owed. Jesus stepped down and became lower than the angels in order to accomplish something no one else could ever hope to accomplish...conquering sin and death. He did this to bring glory to God and salvation to us. The church is often referred to as the Bride of Christ, but if He had not died, then there would be no Bride, because we would all go to hell!
The writer makes the argument that Jesus had to come to earth in verses 14-15:
"Since we, the children, are all creatures of flesh and blood, Jesus took on flesh and blood, so that by dying He could destroy the one who held power over death-the devil-and destroy the fear of death that has always held people captive."
Before Jesus came, we had every reason to fear death. Especially those who weren't Jewish! I don't pretend to have all the answers to what happened to all those people, but I know that I am glad that I live on this side of the cross! Salvation is now free to all. Of course free can be a bit misleading. You can't do anything to earn it, it is a gift. In that sense it is free to all. However, a gift like that does command loyalty for the rest of your life don't you think? There are warnings throughout the Bible about falling away from the faith and the tragic consequences. The Christian life is a hard one, but it is worth it. Considering the alternative, I'd say it is a pretty easy choice.
Choice. That is what it all comes down to isn't it? It started with God's choice to make us. Then our choice to disobey. Then His choice to send Jesus. Then Jesus' choice to die for all of us. Now our choice to follow Him.
Jesus made His choice, and I am grateful! Now I have a choice to make, and it has eternal consequences either way.
Enjoy the Journey
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