Friday, May 31, 2013

What is Jesus Looking for?

Jesus came to make it possible for us to go to heaven, but that doesn't mean that everyone is going! This is a sobering reality. Knowledge without obedience gets you nowhere. Our writer compares it to the Israelites in the desert. They knew all about what God had done for them, they were there and saw it first hand! They knew God's law, they saw God move daily. But knowing about God doesn't get you anywhere. Believing in His existence isn't good enough. Obedience to His Word and His ways are the only things that matter.

In the very first verse we read this: "That's why, as long as the promise of entering God's rest remains open to us, we should be careful that none of us seem to fall short ourselves."

Jesus did come and make a way for us to go to heaven, but the reality is that not many people are going. In fact Jesus said there are many who think thy are going that aren't going! Belief without obedience isn't enough. Truthfully I dot consider belief without obedience belief. For example, I believe that I will die if I don't eat food, so I do. Real belief shapes your actions.

I know this life is hard and it is hard to live out the Words of Jesus. But that is another reason why He came here. He is able to sympathize with us because He did become human and He experienced everything we do! That is how I know his love is real. He didn't send someone else to fix the problem. He came Himself. You see, in matters of love, you go yourself.

That kind of love demands the same kind of love in return. Not a love that just thinks about doing things or that knows how to do things. That kind I love demands a radically changed way of living that proves its love by the things it does and says.

Enjoy the Journey

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