Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why Should I Follow Jesus?

Paul wraps up his letter to Titus by giving him the reason people are supposed to be doing all of the things he has been telling them to do. He has instructed them on how they are supposed to treat other people, how they are supposed to follow authorities, and all kinds of other things too. But why should I do those things? Paul says that I am supposed to remember that I used to be worthless and hopelessly lost in my sin. There was nothing I could do about it either. Then God sent a game changer in Jesus to bring hope into the world. 

It wasn't something that He had to do. It was something that He chose to do. This is a humbling realization. At the end of the day, God doesn't need me. I am not doing God a favor by doing what He says to do. I am not doing Him a favor by becoming a Christian. This is why it is so silly to say that you invited Jesus into your heart (it sounds cute, but it isn't Biblical at all). If I don't have Jesus, I go to hell. If Je doesn't have me...He is still God! So you see, it is I who need Him, not the other way around. 

That his what is so amazing about the fact that He came. That is what motivates us to do the things that He says. What do you do when you find out someone saved you from eternal punishment? Whatever they want.

Enjoy the Journey

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