Thursday, March 07, 2013

Test Me

As Paul wraps up 2 Corinthians, he has some pretty strong words for them. He basically tells them that they need to get their act together before he gets there or he is going to let them have it when he does! He says, 'I will not spare anyone who is out of order.' He is about to break out the whoppin' stick. He tells them to check their faith, make sure they are really in the faith. He says there is a test coming and they better be ready for it. You can't get around it, truth is truth and that is what we will be measured by.

As I take a look at my life, I have to see if I'm still in the faith. Just because I work at a church and teach other people about Jesus all the time doesn't mean that I have a relationship with Him or that I'm doing what I need to be doing! Abi and I say it all the time church work doesn't equal relationship with God. That is a hard pill to swallow for a pastor.

Here are questions I have to answer:
Am I reading my Bible?
Is my Bible reading more than just lesson planning?
Am I spending time alone in prayer?
What am I doing for Jesus (not just for the church)?
Am I serving Jesus or trying to build my ministry?

I think the message of Paul rings as true today as it did 2,000 years ago. It is a strong warning to be ready, because the test is coming whether we like it or not.

Enjoy the Journey

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