Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What law?

Paul is really mad at the Galatians because they are making strict adherence to the law the basis for salvation. I think if he were there in person he would have been 'Gibbs-slapping' some people. It is through Christ that we have salvation. I don't think we want salvation based on the law. There has only been one man who was ever able to keep it, and that was Jesus! The rest of us are just out of luck. If our salvation is based on how well we keep the law then we are all going to hell.

Well if that's true, why do we have the law? Paul answers this question too! The law was given to show us our need for a Savior. If there were no law, there would be no sin, and therefore no reason for Jesus to come! We wouldn't know what was right and what was wrong, there would be nothing to guide us. So the law is absolutely necessary. However the law was never meant to save.

Salvation is only found in Jesus. End of story. He came, and fulfilled the law. He never broke a single commandment, that is why His death on the cross was an acceptable sacrifice for our sins! Praise God He had it all figured out, because left to our own devices, we'd all end up in hell.

Enjoy the Journey

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