Friday, March 08, 2013


As Paul opens the letter to the Galatians, he does so with some strong warnings. You see, the Galatian people had fallen for a false teaching. Some people had convinced them that they needed to follow the Jewish law in order to become a Christian. They were even trying to tell people who weren't Jewish that they had to become Jewish in order to become a Christian! Paul has strong words for them.

He says that he is shocked they could be so easily fooled by a false gospel. He tells them that anything other than the gospel they first heard is a lie and that they should get away from those people. He goes on to say that those spreading the false gospel are cursed!

Let that be a warning to us today. We have to know the gospel so well that when people twist it even a little bit, we will know. That means we have to spend time in the word so that we can know what we are talking about and listening for when people preach.

It is also a warning for those of us that teach. Be careful what you say. You had better make sure that you are preaching the real thing, because there are severe consequences if you are not. Getting to teach others about Jesus is a tremendous privilege, and it should be taken very seriously.

The bottom line is this: whether you are a teacher or not, you better be in the Word so that you can know the true gospel.

Enjoy the Journey

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