One of the things that stops us from talking about Jesus is fear that it won't work. We're afraid that the person we are going to talk to won't come to faith in Jesus and we will feel like a failure. I know, I have the same fears as everyone else.
The thing we need to remember is this: there are 3 things happening during these conversations, and we are only responsible for one of them. The 3 things are:
God's part
Our part
Their part
It is God's job to convict people and to make them want to change their lives. I can't and never will be able to change someone else's heart. That is up to God and I have to trust that He will do His job (He is pretty good at it after all).
It is the other person's part to let the message change their life. It is up to them to change the things that they are doing and start living for Jesus. Don't forget that we have been given free will and it is the persons' choice whether or not they will change.
My part is simply to share the gospel. That is what I've been asked to do. It is up to me to decide whether or not I will be faithful enough to do what we've been asked. Don't get me wrong, sharing the gospel is a big deal. I have to make sure that the things I am saying are true. But I think that so often I put unrealistic and unnecessary expectations on ourselves.
We aren't called to save people. That is God's job. It's kind of His thing. We aren't called to make other people accept the message. That is up to them. We are called to share the good news that Jesus came, died for the wrong things we've done, and rose from the grave to make a way for us to be made right with God.
So breath a little easier, it's not your job to save the world.
That is, after all, why Jesus came.
Enjoy the Journey
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