Friday, March 15, 2013

In Closing

As Paul finishes up his letter to the Galatians, he asks them to be gentle with their fellow believers. When a believer falls into sin, we are supposed to confront them, but we also have to remember that we are sinners as well. Our goal is to bring them back into the faith, not publicly embarrass them to the point they never want to show their face again. The best part about Christianity is grace, so we are expected to extend it to other people!

He also reminds them that becoming a Christian has nothing to do with works of the flesh. You can't earn it buy doing a bunch of stuff (in their case people were asking them to be circumcised before they would be accepted). Becoming a Christian is about having faith in Jesus. Through Christ we are given grace, which is something that by definition you can't earn.

At the very end he says that he hopes the grace of Jesus will infuse our spirits with His spirit. How awesome is that? What does that look like? We are called to be like Christ. That means we've got to do the things He did. Our attitudes should be like His. That calls for total transformation that can only be accomplished through the Holy Spirit. Thank goodness He lives within us!

Enjoy the Journey

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